Christian Counseling Certification – Licensed to KAGI

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A comprehensive approach to scriptural-based Counseling & Psychology. Get certified & equipped to launch your counseling practice, change lives and be rewarded.


What is Christian Counseling?

Christian counseling is counseling that draws upon psychology and the word of God. Practitioners approach psychology through the lens of the Bible and reliance of Holy Spirit, psychotherapy, coaching, mental science, psychology, behavioral therapy and the bible to solve the problems that plague people.

As a certified Christian Counselor, you are equipped and trained through this certification program to help people overcome trauma, pain points and the thing that are holding them back, and you get paid what you desire for helping them solve or overcome life’s challenges

We believe that counseling is a process whereby a counselee seeks to resolve personal, interpersonal, and/or spiritual difficulties with the assistance of a trained, certified professional individual.

Benefits of Working with a Christian Counselor

Christian counseling focuses on a few main principles that are different from traditional counseling. It focuses on the care of the whole person, body, soul and spirit and brings total transformation in your life, family, marriage or organization.

A christian counselor doesn’t just focus on psychology and mental science alone to help their clients, they also draw from knowledge on the word of God, hearing the holy spirit as well as utilizing spiritual tools and techniques to hep their clients.

Astronomical growth in the Christian Counseling Industry

Since 2000 the coaching industry has grown over 600%. More and more people see the tremendous advantage and undeniable results that come from working with a good Christian counselor.

You will learn the secrets to creating a highly profitable Christian counseling practice, promotion, marketing, branding, apps, technologies and how to get more clients daily.

We train you, certify you in Christian counseling and biblical counseling and give you everything you need to know and do to become a successful Christian counseling. No other certification agencies can give you what we give you here at NAACC.

Get Certified Today!

Self Paced. Get All the Courses at once, no waiting!

After completion you will receive a full size framable coaching certificate. Plus one full year of NAACC membership and continuing education.

Please note that NAACC does not license for the state or government. Only state agencies can license mental health counselors.

Our program is strictly for biblical/christian counseling. Why go through 7 years of school and over $80,000 in debt when you can get trained and certified as a Christian counselor and start helping people and increase your income immediately!

* Christian Counseling Certification Modules with Business Modules comes with extra business modules, strategies and resources that will help you set up your christian counseling business practice the right way so you can attain success and maximize your certification.

With your certification and training as a Christian Counselor with NAACC. You will be a specialist in these fields and can also have a private practice as a:

– Faith Based Counselor

– Biblical Counselor

– Spiritual Counselor

– Life Experience Counselor

– Christian Sex Therapy Counselor

– Relationship Counselor

– Marriage Counselor

Why get trained and certified by Dr. Faith Abraham and NAACC?

1. Instant credibility.

Certification gives you credibility as a counselor. Credibility means you have put in the work, education and training required to be a be a coach or counselor and that increases your value and the fees you can charge for your professional services.

2. Training.

The amount of training and education you will receive from our certification program is priceless and will help you in your practice.

3. Income.

An average certified counselor makes $70,000 per year working for themselves.

4. Change lives.

The number one reason most people want to be a counselor or coach is because they feel a strong passion to help other people

change their lives.

5. Annual Membership.

Certification with NAACC also comes with a One-Year annual association membership and continuing education.

6. Legacy.

Counseling helps you to build a legacy.

You will also receive a frameable certification document after completion.


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